Sunday, November 21, 2010

Day 6: Back in the Neighborhood

So I completely neglected to tell y`all what i did last night. I set out in the evening on a search for a Lawson Station (i have no idea why this particular convience store has its name, but it is by far my favorite and often sells small bunch of bananas and other fruits). so i went out. shortly after finding a cluster of convience stores where i bought by dinner i found myself again at the entrance of my beloved neighborhood from Day 4. i decided to walk up the hill a bit and find a nice place to sit and eat, perhaps near one of the temples that is lit up at night. i walked and walked and found nowhere to sit until i reached the street where Totoro lives. i figured the store was certainly closed but walked that way anyway. sure enough it was open and there right next to totoro was a nice bench. and there i had my dinner with my neighbor totoro.

tonight there were many people going in and out of the store and taking pictures, which made me feel like less of a dork. after eating i was alittle hesitant to go in until i saw that a different person was working the store. if i was going to buy anything, i did not want to be remembered from the time before....

from there i decided i could not be far from the yummy yummy cream puff place and i set out quite determined. i was shocked by the throngs of people, literally packing the small streets and i suddenly remembered: it was saturday night! i pushed and walked and thought i had forgot the location of the cream puff place until i spotted a few people holding them, i pressed on (literally) through the crowds, doubting occassionally that i would find it.... and then! there it was! hurray! walking down the hill, hapily clutching my green tea cream puff i had to fight the urge to tell everyone: you must must have one!

1 comment:

  1. Love your comments from the future! Love reading about what you did on Sunday...Saturday nite here!
    Hope you got to the Toji Market. Kyoto, I agree, is just the best place.
    Keep having the fun. You could get used to running around the world on your own.
    I love Lawson! And green tea creme puffs! Now look for those stands that sell freshly made waffles loaded with ice cream! wow wee Been to a rotating sushi bar yet? Watch out for the creamed corn, ick! happy days, J
